Windows NT Server Security Features

Windows NT Server incorporates the features found in the Department of Defense Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (TCSEC) Division C Controlled Access Protection, called C2 for short.

Table 1.1 compares C2 criteria with Windows NT Server features.

Table 1.1 C2 Criteria and Windows NT Server Equivalent

C2 Criteria

Windows NT Server feature

Discretionary Access Control

Access Control List.

Object Reuse

NTFS-deleted files cannot be undeleted.

Data in memory is not left behind to be reused.


Windows NT Server logs identify users and actions.

User Identification and Authentication

Logon and password.


Memory and files are protected by NTFS; they cannot be accessed directly.

Kernel runs in 32-bit protected mode.

For more information on how to set up your computer according to the TCSEC C2 requirements, see the Microsoft Windows NT Administrator's Security Guide.

Windows NT Server gives you comprehensive protection against Internet intruders at the file level with an Access Control List (ACL) and a user ID and password requirement. Other security features work behind the scenes to keep the data in your server's memory secure. Finally, you always have the ability to track users.