Client Problems

Netscape Navigator 2.0 Does Not Support Authentication

If you use Netscape Navigator 2.0 to access an IIS server that uses Windows NT challenge/response password authentication, a dialog box appears that requests your user name and password. After you enter the correct user name and password, you see the message "Error: Access is Denied."

Even though Netscape Navigator 2.0 prompts you for a user name and password, it does not support Windows NT challenge/response password authentication.

To correct this problem, use Anonymous access or Basic user authentication in Internet Information Server, or upgrade clients to Internet Explorer version 2.0 or later.

Internet Explorer 2.0 Ignores Size Attribute

Internet Explorer 2.0 does not use the Size attribute of the Select tag on HTML pages properly.

RFC 1866 specifies that the Size attribute indicates the number of selections that are displayed when a user clicks a list box. A user should be able to see the selections by scrolling through the selection list box.

Internet Explorer 2.0 displays more than one list item even when Size is set to 1. If you increase the value of the Size attribute, the list box size grows. However, the size of the list box might not correspond to the setting. For example, with Size set to 1, the list box shows three selections, but with Size set to 5, the selection list box shows only four selections.

To overcome this problem, upgrade to Internet Explorer version 3.0.

Internet Explorer 1.5 Does Not Use Default Selection

Internet Explorer version 1.5 for Windows NT does not automatically select (highlight) the preselected item of an option list in an HTML form. The user must click the Reset button or manually select the item.

Internet Explorer 1.5 Is Unable to Save Files

If you run Internet Explorer version 1.5, you might see the message:

Unable to save C:\Temp\filename. Disk may be full.
The attempt to load ftp:filename failed.

This might be caused by a full disk, as stated in the message. The problem can also be caused by a client browser that does not have a \Temp directory.

To solve this problem, create a directory named "Temp" off the root of the boot drive, for example, C:\Temp.

Browsers Fail to Connect When Using SSL

Netscape Atlas and other browsers that support version 3 of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) might fail to connect to Microsoft Internet Information Server when the IIS server is using SSL.

Internet Information Server version 2.0 supports SSL version 2. Newer Web browsers, such as Netscape Atlas, support SSL version 3. When the Web browser connects to Internet Information Server, the browser tries to connect by using SSL version 3. Internet Information Server does not recognize SSL version 3 clients, so the connection is immediately dropped. Clients do not attempt to use version 2 after version 3 is rejected by the server.

To solve this problem, use a browser that supports SSL version 2.

Internet Explorer 2.0 Fails to Connect to SSL-Enabled Internet Information Server

When connecting to SSL-enabled IIS servers, you might get one or more of the following messages:

HTTP/1.0 403 Access Forbidden (Secure Channel Required - This Virtual
Directory requires a browser that supports the configured encryption


Unable to connect to servername

To fix this problem, upgrade to Internet Explorer version 2.01 or later.