Internet Information Server FTP and Gopher Services Network Configuration

The computer used for the intranet server is the same computer running the WWW service that was installed in the scenario described in "Internet Information Server as a Single Intranet Server" in Chapter 4. For a complete description of the network configuration for the FTP and Gopher services, see that section of Chapter 4.

The computer used is similar to the computer CANTS40DPT01 in the Terra Flora network diagram. See Figure 5.23 for a diagram of the network configuration.

Figure 5.23 FTP and Gopher services network overview

Name Resolution for FTP and Gopher Services

After name resolution is configured as described in Chapter 4, users can then access the Internet Information Server FTP and Gopher services by using either the NetBIOS name if WINS is supported on the client) or the domain name (if DNS is supported on the client), as shown in Table 5.4.

Table 5.4 Computer Names in URLs for FTP and Gopher Services

NetBIOS name

Computer name used in URL with WINS name resolution

Domain name URL used by DNS name resolution

