The Microsoft Windows NT Server Resource Kit for version 4.0 consists of three new volumes and a single compact disc (CD) containing utilities for both Windows NT Workstation and Windows NT Server. An online version of the new, comprehensive Windows NT Workstation Resource Guide is also available on the CD. Update books for the Windows NT Server Resource Kit will be released on a semi-annual basis. They will contain new information and major revisions of existing topics.
The Windows NT Server Internet Guide presents detailed information on the Microsoft Internet Information Server, some scenarios for its use on the Internet/intranet, descriptions of Internet-related tools provided on the Windows NT Server Resource Kit CD, and suggestions for troubleshooting. Update books will contain more extensive Internet-related information. Some of the scenarios provided here use a fictitious company, Terra Flora, as an example to demonstrate challenges and solutions. The Terra Flora network is based on a real network that has been created at Microsoft in the Windows NT Server Resource Kit Interoperability Lab. The networking model that Terra Flora will implement is shown in the network diagram on the inside back cover of this book.
This information is intended to be a technical supplement to the printed and online documentation included as part of the Windows NT Server version 4.0 product. It does not replace that information as the source for learning how to use the product features and utilities. It is also supplementary to the networking information presented in the Windows NT Server Networking Guide.
This Introduction includes the following types of information you can use to get started.