FTP and Ports

When FTP is running on a server, it constantly monitors port 21, the FTP control port, for a request for service from the FTP server. To connect to the FTP server, the FTP client computer sends a request to TCP port number 21 on the server computer.

For example, assume that computer A is the FTP client, computer B is the FTP server, and that they have the following IP addresses.

Computer A (FTP client)

Computer B (FTP server)

IP address:

IP address:

The communication between the FTP client and FTP server follows this process.

  1. At the command prompt on computer A, the user types the following information:


  1. The operating system assigns a TCP port number greater than 1023 (for example, 1028) to the FTP client application.
  2. TCP creates a packet that includes the following information:

Source IP Address

Source TCP Port Number


Destination IP Address

Destination TCP Port Number


  1. The packet is sent across the network to IP address
  2. Computer B receives the packet and TCP forwards the packet to port 21 (FTP control).
  3. The FTP service on computer B sends an acknowledgment (ACK) back to computer A by using both the IP address ( and the port number (1028).

The packet cannot be accidentally delivered to a wrong port address on the server because the packet contains the correct port number before it leaves the client computer.