Terra Flora's Decisions About Backup

Terra Flora has elected to use a flexible back up strategy for the data that exists on their servers, at all levels. Regularly scheduled backup of the WINNT, data and software master copy directories will be performed using third party software which works in conjunction with Windows NT. For daily, weekly and disaster recovery, Terra Flora will use the Seagate, (formerly Arcada) BackUp Exec for Windows NT, Single Server/Enterprise Edition - Version 6 Product.

Seagate Backup Exec for Windows NT is a proven 32-bit backup that protects the entire network. With centralized administration and its exclusive ExecView monitoring console, Backup Exec provides client/server functionality for Windows NT data protection. Backup Exec supports any combination of clients on any platform, on the Windows NT network. The documentation accompanying the product will explain setup and configuration of backup service.

For online backups, Terra Flora uses Octopus for Windows NT to provide data fault tolerance and real time data protection between the Enterprise/Enterprise Remote servers and for designated data directories on the divisional/regional servers such as project directories. Online backups are backups that occur as data in a file or database is added, changed or deleted.

Octopus mirrors files and/or directories rather than disks and will be set up on the computers running Windows NT Server. Source servers are the computers where the data to be backed up resides and target servers are the computers where the mirrored data will be stored. Any changes to the source files are mirrored and sent over the network to the target computers. Documentation accompanying the Octopus product explains setup and configuration of backup services.

At the Terra Flora Enterprise/Enterprise Remote level, the computers running Windows NT Server will back up their own servers as well as back up data directories on the Division/Region servers. The Division/Region servers will backup their own servers as well as back up the data directories on the Department/Branch Office servers. The Department/Branch servers will backup their own servers and users of the Desktop workstations will be responsible for backing up the necessary information on the workstations.