Installing the DLC Protocol

By default, the DLC protocol is not installed during Windows NT Setup. The DLC driver can be loaded when the system is first installed, or at any time thereafter.

To install DLC

1. Click Start, point to Settings, and click Control Panel.

2. Double-click Network.

3. Click the Protocols tab, and then click Add.

You also can configure network bindings for DLC. Network bindings are connections between network cards, protocols, and services. The order of the bindings is significant to DLC because an adapter is specified at the DLC interface as a number—typically 0 or 1 (although Windows NT DLC can support up to 16 physical adapters). The number corresponds to the index of the adapter in the DLC bindings section.

If you have only one NIC installed, DLC applications use a value of 0 to refer to this adapter, and you need not make any changes to the bindings. If you have more than one adapter card, you might want to modify the bindings.

You can manually change DLC bindings by clicking Network in Control Panel and selecting the Bindings tab. The changes you can make are to:

To change a DLC binding

1. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.

2. Double-click Network, and then click the Bindings tab.

3. In Show Bindings for, enter All Protocols.

4. Double-click DLC Protocol.

5. Select the binding you want to change and click the appropriate button.

6. Click OK.