Using Centralized LMHOSTS Files

The primary LMHOSTS file on each computer is always located in the %systemroot%\System32\Drivers\Etc directory. With Microsoft TCP/IP, you can include other LMHOSTS files from local and remote computers.

Network administrators can manage the LMHOSTS files used by computers on the network by providing one or more global LMHOSTS files on a central server. Windows NT-based computers on the network can be configured to import the correct and up-to-date computer name-to-IP-address mappings.

Users can import the LMHOSTS file from remote computers on the network by using #INCLUDE statements in the LMHOSTS file or by clicking Import LMHOSTS on the WINS Address tab of the Microsoft TCP/IP Properties dialog box. See Figure 10.1 in the section "Configuring TCP/IP to Use LMHOSTS Name Resolution" later in this chapter.

Alternatively, an administrator can use the replicator service to distribute multiple copies of the global LMHOSTS file to multiple servers.


If network clients access a central LMHOSTS file, the computer on which the file is located must include the Registry parameter NullSessionShares for the LMHOSTS location. The NullSessionShares parameter is in the Registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanManServer\ Parameters

For detailed information on Registry parameters, see online Help.