Backing Up Data on Your Hard Disks

Regularly backing up data on hard disks minimizes data loss or damage caused by disk failures, power outages, virus infection, and many other possible computer problems. If your backup operation is based on careful planning and reliable equipment, file recovery should be relatively easy.

Windows NT includes a backup program, Ntbackup.exe, that you can use to save data to cartridge tape on computers running Windows NT Server and Windows NT Workstation. Whether you use this program or another type of tape backup system, you need to consider the following:

Once you have designed a backup operation, document both your backup and restore procedures. After your backup system is in place, it is a good idea to periodically practice restoring an entire server, as well as individual files.

For more details about what you should cover in your backup plan, see the section titled "Backup Strategy," in Chapter 4, "Planning a Reliable Configuration." For more information about the Ntbackup program, and planning your backup procedure, see Chapter 6, "Backing Up and Restoring Network Files," in the Microsoft Windows NT Server Concepts and Planning book.