Script File

The script file (extension: .scr) specifies the HTTP transactions to be executed. Each transaction consists of one or more simple HTTP requests that are executed in sequence. The transactions are grouped into equivalence classes. Each class is assigned a number identifying the class. All of the HTTP transactions in a class are executed at the same relative frequency, as specified in the Distribution File. When a particular class is specified in the Script file, the WCAT client randomly chooses one of the transactions belonging to the class. Because many transactions are in same class, clients requesting a class of transactions do not request the same pattern of pages each time. HTTP transactions consist of one or more simple requests. Each request specifies the URL to request and the Verb to send. The request also can include other characteristics of the request. See the Appendix to this paper for a complete specification of the script file format. Distribution File The distribution file (extension: .dst) specifies the distribution pattern used for requesting classes of pages listed in the script file. The Web Capacity Analysis Tool divides the pages into classes and uses class IDs for each class. The distribution file specifies the distribution with weights for each class. Each line in the distribution file consists of two fields.