Verifying Remote Performance Monitoring

WCAT can collect data on server performance from the counters in Performance Monitor. Performance Monitor is an administrative tool designed to measure hardware and software performance on computers running Windows NT Workstation and Windows NT Server.

You can direct WCAT to collect data from Performance Monitor counters on the server computer during any WCAT test. For more information on using Performance Monitor counters during a WCAT test, see “Using Performance Monitor Counters in a WCAT Test,” later in this guide. To use Performance Monitor with WCAT, verify the controller can monitor the server remotely.

To test remote Performance Monitor monitoring

1.Log on to the controller computer, and start Performance Monitor. For more information on using Performance Monitor, see Microsoft Windows NT Workstation Resource Kit Version 4.0, Chapter 10, “About Performance Monitor” and Performance Monitor Help.

2.On the Edit menu, click Add to Chart.

3.In the Computer box, delete the name of the local computer, type the name of the server computer, and click OK.

4.Click the names of the counters you want to monitor during the WCAT test, click Add to add the counters to the chart, and then click Done.

If the WCAT test is successful, Performance Monitor displays a graph of the counters you selected. This graph indicates the controller’s Performance Monitor has received data collected by and about the server computer. It also confirms the counters you want to monitor during the WCAT test are available on the server computer.

If you cannot connect to the server computer with Performance Monitor or you do not have the required permissions, the test does not succeed. If the test does not succeed, verify that the server computer is started and that the computer name is correct. If you do not have permission to monitor the server computer remotely with Performance Monitor, you must receive the required permission. For details on granting permission for remote monitoring, see “Remote Performance Monitoring” in Supplement 1, Appendix A, “Major Revisions to Existing Resource Kit Books.”

If some of the counters you want to monitor do not appear in the Add to Chart dialog box in Performance Monitor, make sure the service associated with the counters is installed on the server computer. Counters that are not installed with Windows NT by default (such as the HTTP Service, FTP Server, Gopher Service, and Internet Information Services Global counters) do not appear in the Add to Chart dialog box unless the associated service is running on the remote computer. For more information, see “Troubleshooting the Internet Information Services Counters” in Supplement 1, Chapter 5, “Monitoring Virtual Memory.”