MDAC 2.5 SDK - ODBC Samples


Admin Demo Sample Files

Files Location

The Admin Demo sample code resides in the \Samples\Odbc\Admin directory. The executable file Admndemo.exe resides in the \Bin\Odbc directory.

Sample Code File Contents

File name Description
Admndemo.c This is the main module. It creates the main window and handles rudimentary functionality (such as displaying the About dialog box).
Admndemo.def The module definition file for Admin Demo.
Admndemo.dlg Contains the dialog templates for Admin Demo.
Admndemo.h Contains the prototypes and definitions for Admndemo.c.
Admndemo.ico Admin Demo icon.
Ademo.mak Builds the ODBC Admin Demo application.
Admndemo.rc Resource file for Admin Demo.
Child.h Contains the main structure for tracking Connection window information, including ODBC handles.
Connect.ico Minimized Connection window icon.
Dialogs.c Contains code for the catalog functions found under the Lists menu.
Dialogs.h Contains the prototypes and definitions for Dialogs.c.
Errcheck.c Contains generic error-checking utility functions.
Errcheck.h Contains the prototypes and definitions for Errcheck.c.
Execute.c Executes ad hoc SQL statements and file scripts, as well as the Windows® code for displaying result sets.
Execute.h Contains the prototypes and definitions for Execute.c.
Info.c Used to track informational items found under the Info menu.
Info.h Contains the prototypes and definitions for Info.c.
Ini.c Used to track .ini file information. These functions abstract access to the Admndemo.ini file, making it more portable.
Ini.h Contains prototypes and definitions for Ini.c.
Menu.c Contains state-tracking code as well as the menu-enabling routines.
Menu.h Contains the prototypes and definitions for Menu.c.
Results.c Contains code for describing result sets, including all column information, data, and screen output attributes.
Results.h Contains the prototypes and definitions for Results.c.
Results.ico This is the minimized result set icon.
Standard.c Contains a set of common functions used by several different modules.
Standard.h Contains the prototypes and definitions for Standard.c.
Strings.h Contains string IDs for resource strings found in Admndemo.rc.