MDAC 2.5 SDK - ODBC Desktop Database Drivers


CREATE INDEX for Paradox

The syntax of the CREATE INDEX statement for the ODBC Paradox driver is:

ON table-name
(column-identifier [ASC]
[, column-identifier [ASC]...])

The ODBC Paradox driver does not support the DESC keyword in the ODBC SQL grammar for the CREATE INDEX statement. The table-name argument can specify the full path of the table.

If the keyword UNIQUE is specified, the ODBC Paradox driver will create a unique index. The first unique index is created as a primary index. This is a Paradox primary key file named table-name.PX. Primary indexes are subject to the following restrictions:

If the keyword UNIQUE is omitted, the ODBC Paradox driver will create a non-unique index. This consists of two Paradox secondary index files named table-name.Xnn and table-name.Ynn, where nn is the number of the column in the table. Non-unique indexes are subject to the following restrictions:

Columns cannot be added once an index has been defined on a table. If the first column of the argument list of a CREATE TABLE statement creates an index, a second column cannot be included in the argument list.

For example, to use the sales order number and line number columns as the unique index on the SO_LINES table, use the statement:

 ON SO_LINES (SONum, LineNum)

To use the part number column as a non-unique index on the SO_LINES table, use the statement:

 ON SO_LINES (PartNum)

Note that when two CREATE INDEX statements are performed, the first statement will always create a primary index with the same name as the table and the second statement will always create a non-unique index with the same name as the column. These indexes will be named this way even if different names are entered in the CREATE INDEX statements and even if the index is labeled UNIQUE in the second CREATE INDEX statement.

Note   When you use the Paradox driver without implementing the Borland Database Engine, only read and append statements are allowed.