MDAC 2.5 SDK - ODBC Programmer's Reference
Appendix F: ODBC Cursor Library


ODBC Functions Executed by the Cursor Library

The cursor library executes the following functions. When an application calls a function in this list, the Driver Manager invokes the cursor library, not the driver. Note that the cursor library may call the driver when executing the function.

SQLBindCol SQLGetStmtOption
SQLBindParam SQLNativeSql
SQLBindParameter SQLNumParams
SQLCloseCursor SQLParamOptions
SQLEndTran SQLRowCount
SQLExtendedFetch SQLSetConnectAttr
SQLFetchScroll SQLSetConnectOption
SQLFreeHandle SQLSetDescField
SQLFreeStmt SQLSetDescRec
SQLGetData SQLSetPos
SQLGetDescField SQLSetScrollOptions
SQLGetDescRec SQLSetStmtAttr
SQLGetFunctions SQLSetStmtOption
SQLGetInfo SQLTransact