MDAC 2.5 SDK - ODBC Driver for Oracle
Functions at this level provide Level 1 interface conformance plus additional functionality such as support for bookmarks, dynamic parameters, and asynchronous execution of ODBC functions.
API function | Notes |
SQLBindParameter | Associates a buffer with a parameter marker in an SQL statement. |
SQLBrowseConnect | Returns successive levels of attributes and attribute values. |
SQLDataSources | Lists data source names. Implemented by the Driver Manager. |
SQLDescribeParam | Returns the description of a parameter marker associated with a prepared SQL statement.
Returns a best guess of what the parameter is, based on parsing the statement. If the parameter type cannot be determined, SQL_VARCHAR returns with length 2000. |
SQLDrivers | Implemented by the Driver Manager. |
SQLExtendedFetch | Similar to SQLFetch but returns multiple rows using an array for each column. The result set is forward-scrollable and can be made backward-scrollable if the cursor is defined to be static, not forward-only. For forward-only cursors with default column binding, column data from data sets larger than the BUFFERSIZE connection attribute is fetched directly into data buffers. Does not support variable-length bookmarks and does not support fetching a rowset at an offset (other than 0) from a bookmark. |
SQLForeignKeys | Returns a list of foreign keys in a single table, or a list of foreign keys in other tables that refer to a single table. |
SQLMoreResults | Determines whether more results are pending on a statement handle, hstmt, containing SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE statements and if so, initializes processing for those results.
Oracle supports multiple result sets only from stored procedures, when using {resultset… } escape sequences. |
SQLNativeSql | For information about usage, see Returning Array Parameters from Stored Procedures. |
SQLNumParams | Returns the number of parameters in an SQL statement. The number of parameters should equal the number of question marks in the SQL statement passed to SQLPrepare. |
SQLPrimaryKeys | Returns the column names that comprise the primary key for a table. |
SQLProcedureColumns | Returns a list of input and output parameters, the return value, the columns in the result set of a single procedure, and two additional columns, OVERLOAD and ORDINAL_POSITION. OVERLOAD is the OVERLOAD column from the ALL_ARGUMENTS table of the Oracle Data Dictionary View. ORDINAL_POSITION is the SEQUENCE column from the ALL_ARGUMENTS table of the Oracle Data Dictionary View. For packaged procedures, the PROCEDURE NAME column is in packagename.procedurename format. Does not return the procedure columns of a created synonym that refers to a procedure or function. |
SQLProcedures | Returns a list of procedures in the data source. For packaged procedures, the PROCEDURE NAME column is in packagename.procedurename format.
Because Oracle does not provide a way to distinguish packaged procedures from packaged functions, the driver returns SQL_PT_UNKNOWN for the PROCEDURE_TYPE column. |
SQLSetPos | Sets the cursor position in a rowset. You can use SQLSetPos with SQLGetData to retrieve rows from unbound columns after positioning the cursor to a specific row in the rowset. Rows added to the result set using fOption SQL_ADD are added after the last row in the result set. |
SQLSetScrollOptions | Sets options that control the behavior of cursors associated with a statement handle, hstmt. For details, see Cursor Type and Concurrency Combinations. |