MDAC 2.5 SDK - ODBC Driver for Oracle
SQL Conformance Levels
The ODBC Driver for Oracle supports the Minimum SQL grammar and Core SQL grammar and also supports the following ODBC extensions to SQL:
- Date, time, and timestamp data
- Left and right outer joins
- Numeric functions:
Abs |
Log |
round |
tan |
Ceiling |
Log10 |
second |
truncate |
Cos |
Mod |
sign |
Exp |
Pi |
sin |
Floor |
Power |
sqrt |
- Date functions:
Curdate |
Dayofweek |
monthname |
second |
Curtime |
Dayofyear |
minute |
week |
Dayname |
Hour |
now |
year |
Dayofmonth |
Month |
quarter |
- String functions:
Ascii |
Left |
right |
ucase |
Char |
Length |
rtrim |
Concat |
Ltrim |
soundex |
Lcase |
Replace |
substring |
- Type-conversion function:
- System functions: