MDAC 2.5 SDK - ODBC Driver for Oracle


Statement Options

These options allow customization of a specific execution statement within an application.

Statement option Notes
SQL_BIND_TYPE Cannot exceed 2,147,483,647 bytes or available memory.
SQL_CONCURRENCY For allowed values, see the Cursor Type and Concurrency Combinations.
SQL_CURSOR_TYPE The driver does not allow SQL_CURSOR_DYNAMIC. See SQLSetScrollOptions for more information. For allowed values, see the Cursor Type and Concurrency Combinations.
SQL_GET_BOOKMARK Returns a 32-bit integer value that is the bookmark for the current record number. Get only; cannot Set.
SQL_KEYSET_SIZE Can be set only to 0.
SQL_MAX_ROWS The maximum number of rows to return from a result set.
SQL_ROW_NUMBER Returns a 32-bit integer specifying the position of the current row within the result set. Get only; cannot Set.
SQL_ROWSET_SIZE Cannot exceed 4,294,967,296 rows; however, you must have enough virtual memory in your computer to handle your request.
SQL_USE_BOOKMARKS Supports setting SQL_USE_BOOKMARKS to SQL_UB_ON and exposes fixed-length bookmarks.