MDAC 2.5 SDK - ODBC Samples


Query Demo Sample Files


The Query Demo sample code resides in the \Samples\Odbc\Query directory. The executable file Qurydemo.exe resides in the \Bin\Odbc directory.

Sample Code File Contents

File name Description
Main.c Contains the main application window procedures. It demonstrates usage of the MDI windows, toolbar, and status bar.
Newquery.bmp Contains the toolbar button bitmap used to open a new Statement window.
Query.c Contains the code that uses the ODBC API. It is used for all data access operations (for example, connecting to a data source, executing and displaying query results, and so on).
Querywdw.ico Contains the minimized Connection/Statement window icon.
Qurydemo.def Contains the module definition file for Query Demo.
Qurydemo.h Contains the prototypes and definitions for Qurydemo.c.
Qurydemo.ico Contains the Query Demo icon.
Qurydemo.rc Resource file for Query Demo.
Qurymak.mak Builds the ODBC Query Demo application.
Runquery.bmp Contains the toolbar button bitmap used to execute an SQL command.