MDAC 2.5 SDK - ODBC Samples


Query Demo Menus and Toolbar

This section briefly describes the menu and toolbar commands in Query Demo. For more information about the ODBC functions that are executed by many of the menu items, see the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference.

Login Menu

Command Description
Connect Calls SQLConnect to connect to a data source and provides a dialog box for entering connection information.
Driver Connect Calls SQLDriverConnect to connect to a driver and a data source.
Disconnect Disconnects from statement and connection handles.
Exit Exits Query Demo.

Query Menu

Command Description
Execute SQL Executes the SQL query you typed in the Statement window.
New Query Opens a new Statement window in which you can type an SQL query.

Window Menu

Command Description
Tile Tiles all child windows, including Connection and Statement windows.
Cascade Cascades all windows in the Query Demo workspace.
Arrange Icons Arranges all minimized components along the bottom of the Query Demo workspace.
Close All Closes all open Connection and Statement windows.

Help Menu

Command Description
Help Opens the ODBC Samples help file.
About Displays version information for Query Demo.


The toolbar contains: