MDAC 2.5 SDK - ODBC Programmer's Reference

Recommended Reading
For more information about SQL, the following standards are available:
- Database Language—SQL with Integrity Enhancement, ANSI, 1989 ANSI X3.135-1989.
- Database Language—SQL: ANSI X3H2 and ISO/IEC JTC1/SC21/WG3 9075:1992 (SQL-92).
- X/Open CAE Specification, Structured Query Language (SQL), C201 (X/Open Company Ltd., U.K., 1992).
In addition to standards and vendor-specific SQL guides, many books describe SQL, including:
- Date, C. J., with Darwen, Hugh: A Guide to the SQL Standard (Addison-Wesley, 1993).
- Emerson, Sandra L., Darnovsky, Marcy, and Bowman, Judith S.: The Practical SQL Handbook (Addison-Wesley, 1989).
- Groff, James R. and Weinberg, Paul N.: Using SQL (Osborne McGraw-Hill, 1990).
- Gruber, Martin: Understanding SQL (Sybex, 1990).
- Hursch, Jack L. and Carolyn J.: SQL, The Structured Query Language (TAB Books, 1988).
- Melton, Jim, and Simon, Alan R.: Understanding the New SQL: A Complete Guide (Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1993).
- Pascal, Fabian: SQL and Relational Basics (M & T Books, 1990).
- Trimble, J. Harvey, Jr. and Chappell, David: A Visual Introduction to SQL (Wiley, 1989).
- Van der Lans, Rick F.: Introduction to SQL (Addison-Wesley, 1988).
- Vang, Soren: SQL and Relational Databases (Microtrend Books, 1990).
- Viescas, John: Quick Reference Guide to SQL (Microsoft Corp., 1989).
For additional information about transaction processing, see:
- Gray, J. N. and Reuter, Andreas: Transaction Processing: Concepts and Techniques (Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1993).
- Hackathorn, Richard D.: Enterprise Database Connectivity (Wiley & Sons, 1993).
For more information about Call-Level Interfaces, the following standards are available:
- X/Open CAE Specification, Data Management: SQL Call Level Interface (CLI), C451 (X/Open Company Ltd., U.K., 1995).
- ISO/IEC 9075-3:1995, Call-Level Interface (SQL/CLI).
For additional information about ODBC, a number of books are available, including:
- Geiger, Kyle: Inside ODBC (Microsoft Press®, 1995).
- Gryphon, Robert, Charpentier, Luc, Oelschlager, Jon, Shoemaker, Andrew, Cross, Jim, and Lilley, Albert W.: Using ODBC 2 (Que, 1994).
- Johnston, Tom and Osborne, Mark: ODBC Developers Guide (Howard W. Sams & Company, 1994).
- North, Ken: Windows Multi-DBMS Programming: Using C++, Visual Basic, ODBC, OLE 2 and Tools for DBMS Projects (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1995).
- Stegman, Michael O., Signore, Robert, and Creamer, John: The ODBC Solution, Open Database Connectivity in Distributed Environments (McGraw-Hill, 1995).
- Welch, Keith: Using ODBC 2 (Que, 1994).
- Whiting, Bill: Teach Yourself ODBC in Twenty-One Days (Howard W. Sams & Company, 1994).