MDAC 2.5 SDK - ODBC Programmer's Reference
Chapter 17: Programming Considerations

Types of Applications
ODBC applications can be classified as follows:
- Pure ODBC 2.x application. A 32-bit application that:
- Calls only ODBC 2.x functions (including the ODBC 1.0 function SQLSetParam). These include ODBC 1.x applications that have been ported to 32-bit.
- Expects ODBC 2.x behavior for features that have had behavioral changes. (See "Behavioral Changes," later in this chapter).
- Has not been recompiled with ODBC 3.5 headers.
- Pure ODBC 2.x Recompiled application. A pure ODBC 2.x application that has been recompiled using the ODBC 3.5 header files, by setting ODBCVER=0x0250.
- Pure ODBC 2.x Unicode application. A pure ODBC 2.x recompiled application that is Unicode-compliant and uses the SQL_WCHAR data type.
- Pure X/Open and ISO–compliant ODBC application. A 32-bit application that:
- Calls functions defined in the X/Open or ISO CLI standards. (These functions may include deprecated 3.0 functions.)
- Does not use the Unicode data types.
- Expects ODBC 3.0 behavior for features that have had behavioral changes.
- Pure ODBC 3.0 application. A 32-bit application that:
- Is compiled with 3.0 headers.
- Calls any ODBC 3.0 function, possibly including those that are deprecated.
- Expects ODBC 3.0 behavior for features that have had behavioral changes.
- Pure ODBC 3.5 (or higher) application. A 32-bit application that:
- May use Unicode data types.
- Calls any ODBC 3.5 function, possibly including those that are deprecated.
- Expects ODBC 3.5 behavior for features that have had behavioral changes.
- Replaced application. A 32-bit application that:
- Implements ODBC 3.x behavior for duplicated functionality.
- Uses any new features in ODBC 3.x only within conditional code.
- Has limited conditional code to handle behavioral changes or has registered itself to be an ODBC 2.x application.