Microsoft Office 2000 Developer   

What's New in Office 2000 Premium

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Office 2000 Developer is built on the architectural foundation of Microsoft Office, which has established a position as the most efficient suite of applications for document creation, communication, and business information analysis.

There are literally hundreds of new features in Office 2000, but they can be grouped into four major areas:

Increasing Your Productivity

Office 2000 takes over more of the "housekeeping" aspects of your work, leaving you free to concentrate on more important issues. Personalized menus and toolbars track your way of working and respond by making your most frequently used commands and buttons the easiest to reach. Self-repairing programs check for damaged files before launch. Web features automatically select the correct formats for files.

Supporting HTML as a Companion Format

The language of the Web is HTML, and Office 2000 applications support it. By using a single file format, you can easily share documents across the Web, even with users who do not have Office 2000 on their computers. Office 2000 adopts the HTML document format on an equal footing with other native Office formats like Word documents or Excel worksheets. This means that information created on the Web or an intranet flows smoothly through Office programs. It also means that Web documents can be saved as Office documents and vice-versa.

Collaborating on the Web

Using Office 2000, working with the Web becomes a natural part of your daily routine. You can create Web pages easily and publish them to the Web quickly. Web-based information sharing becomes a powerful extension of what you do with Office.

The capabilities of the Microsoft® Internet Explorer Web browser are woven throughout Office programs, making working with Web pages as easy as working with Office documents. The interweaving of Office with the Web means that business analysis tools in Office can work with data in many forms, whether from a messaging server, your hard disk, or a Web browser.

Supporting Multilingual Users

As Office has become a global corporate solution, the need for simple methods of deployment and usage has grown. In response, Office 2000 has added or enhanced a number of features that let you work with the languages you want.

Reducing the Total Cost of Ownership

Installing and supporting the software is easier in Office 2000. Flexible installation allows you to install only the features needed. You can also run programs from a server or set them up so they are installed only when first used.