Microsoft Office 2000 Developer   

Exporting VBA Objects

See Also

Using the VBA Multi-Code Export add-in, developers can share VBA objects by exporting objects from one VBA project to another location to be imported into a different VBA project.

Let's say you have a number of objects within your project that you want to export. In this context, export means to copy the files to a target directory (either on your local workstation or to a network file share). The Multi-Code Export command lists all of the objects within the currently selected VBA project in the Project window.

Note   In order to use the VBA Multi-Code Export add-in, you must first load it into the Office environment. For information on installing the Office 2000 Developer add-ins, see Accessing Office 2000 Developer Tools.

To export VBA objects

  1. From the Add-Ins menu, select Multi-Code Export.

  2. In the Available Objects list, select the objects for export and transfer them to the Selected Objects lists.

  3. Verify that the Target Folder is where you want to copy the objects.

  4. Click Export.

This copies all of the objects to the designated target directory. Document objects are exported as class files (*.cls). Other file types are exported with the original extension.

Note   Only the VBA code for the object is exported. The binary portion of the object (such as the content of an Excel worksheet) is not stored. You must use Visual SourceSafe directly to store the binary portion of the object. For more information on using Visual SourceSafe to protect your entire project (including your VBA source code), see Using Visual SourceSafe with Documents and VBA Code.

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