Microsoft Office 2000 Developer   

Contents Tab, Database Window (Code Librarian)

See Also

Use the Contents tab to view all of the code categories and available source code snippets in a table-of-contents style. Select a category, and the associated code snippets are displayed in the code pane on the right.

For More Information   For more information about using the Code Librarian, see Sharing and Reusing Source Code.

Tip   To easily insert the code snippet selected in the code pane into your code module, use the Toolbar or right-click and select the Insert in Module or Copy to Clipboard options.


Code Library

Select a category in the list box to view the available source code definitions. Subcategories are indicated by a plus sign. From this list, you can also use menu commands to create new categories and rename and delete existing categories.

Note   Creating new categories from this list does not associate code snippets with your new category. To associate code snippets with your category, use the Settings tab in the Code window.

Whether or not deleting category deletes the associated code depends on the settings in the Options dialog box. The default setting does not delete the associated code or keywords when you delete the category.


Lists the name of the available source code snippets associated with the category selected. You can double-click the code name to display and edit the source code. The icon next to the code snippet name indicates the type of code. To sort the list alphabetically by name, click Code. Right-click the selected code module for additional commands.


Specifies the type of source code (such as code snippet, function, module, or class module) for each source code name. This is property is set on the Description tab. To sort the list alphabetically by code type, click Type.


Specifies the parameters, return codes, and general descriptions of the selected source code. This information is found on the Description tab. To see more of the description pane, use the scroll bars.

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