Microsoft Office 2000 Developer   

Package and Deployment Wizard — Web Publishing Site

See Also

Allows you to specify information about the location to which you want to deploy your package. The information includes the URL of the site and the publishing method (FTP only).

This screen is available only when you have selected Web Publishing as your method of deployment on the Deployment Method screen.

For more information about packaging and deploying your applications, see Solution Distribution.


Destination URL

Indicates the URL (uniform resource locator) of the Web site to which you want to send the package. For example, you might enter

Web publishing protocol

Indicates the protocol (FTP) that will be used to send the package to the Web site.

Note   If the URL and publishing method that you chose are not saved as a Web Publishing site, you will be asked if you want to save the information as a Web Publishing site when you click the Next or Finish button. If you choose to save the information, you will be prompted for a site name. Saving the information as a site has two advantages: it verifies that the information is valid, and it saves time in future deployments.