Microsoft Office 2000/Visual Basic Programmer's Guide | ![]() |
To work with a date in code, you sometimes need to break it down into its component parts—that is, its day, month, and year. Once you've done this, you can perform a calculation on one element, and then reassemble the date. To break a date into components, you can use the Day, Month, and Year functions. Each of these functions takes a date and returns the day, month, or year portion, respectively, as an Integer value. For example, Year(#2/23/98#)
returns "1998."
To reassemble a date, you can use the DateSerial function. This function takes three integer arguments: a year, a month, and a day value. It returns a Date value that contains the reassembled date.
Often you can break apart a date, perform a calculation on it, and reassemble it all in one step. For example, to find the first day of the month, given any date, you can write a function similar to the following one:
Function FirstOfMonth(Optional dteDate As Date) As Date
' This function calculates the first day of a month, given a date.
' If no date is passed in, the function uses the current date.
If CLng(dteDate) = 0 Then
dteDate = Date
End If
' Find the first day of this month.
FirstOfMonth = DateSerial(Year(dteDate), Month(dteDate), 1)
End Function
The FirstOfMonth procedure takes a date or, if the calling procedure doesn't pass one, uses the current date. It breaks the date into its component year and month, and then reassembles the date using 1 for the day argument. Calling this procedure with the dteDate argument #2/23/98# returns "2/1/98".
The following procedure uses the same strategy to return the last day of a month, given a date:
Function LastOfMonth(Optional dteDate As Date) As Date
' This function calculates the last day of a month, given a date.
' If no date is passed in, the function uses the current date.
If CLng(dteDate) = 0 Then
dteDate = Date
End If
' Find the first day of the next month, then subtract one day.
LastOfMonth = DateSerial(Year(dteDate), Month(dteDate) + 1, 1) - 1
End Function
Both of these procedures are available in the modDateTime module in VBA.mdb in the ODETools\V9\Samples\OPG\Samples\CH07 subfolder on the Office 2000 Developer CD-ROM.
VBA also provides functions that you can use to disassemble and reassemble a time value in the same manner. The Hour, Minute, and Second functions return portions of a time value; the TimeSerial function takes an hour, minute, and second value and returns a complete time value.