Microsoft Office 2000/Visual Basic Programmer's Guide | ![]() |
Effective error-handling code can be quite simple or very sophisticated. It can create an error trap or handle errors in-line. It may display a message to the user or log information about the error to a file. But no matter how an error handler is implemented, the basic components of every error handler are the same. An error handler consists of code that does all of the following:
The On Error statement is used to specify the first component. The Resume statement is used to specify the third component. The second component represents the code you write to handle any errors that occur.
The basic format for how an error trap is included in a procedure is as follows (the use of italics indicates the location of placeholders for elements you would specify in a real procedure):
Function ProcedureName(ArgumentList) As DataType
' Procedure comments.
' Declare local variables and constants.
On Error GoTo ProcedureName_Err
' Procedure code.
ProcedureName = True (or some other return value)
' Cleanup code that closes open files and sets object variables = Nothing.
Exit Function
ProcedureName = False
Select Case Err.Number
Case AnticipatedError#1
' Handle error #1.
Case AnticipatedError#2
' Handle error #2.
Case UnAnticipatedErrors
' Handle unanticipated error.
Case Else
' Handle unforseen circumstances.
End Select
Resume ProcedureName_End
End Function
For an example of this simple error-handling format used in a procedure that generates and then handles a series of anticipated errors, see the SimpleErrorHandler procedure available in the modErrorCode module in in the ODETools\V9\Samples\OPG\Samples\CH08 subfolder on the Office 2000 Developer CD-ROM.
Another common error-handling technique is to attempt an operation that you know will generate a specific error if some condition is not met. In this case you can use in-line error handling to attempt the operation and then test for the presence of the known error. For example, when you are using Automation to access the objects in another Office application, there are times when you will want to use an existing instance of the application. Only if there is no existing instance do you want to create a new instance. The following code fragment shows how to use in-line error handling to create a new instance of Microsoft Excel only if there is no instance currently open:
On Error Resume Next
Set xlApp = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
End If
On Error GoTo ProcedureName_Err
Note that the On Error Resume Next statement is used to turn on in-line error handling. A test for the anticipated error comes immediately after the code that may cause the error. (In this example, a constant was created that contained the value of the anticipated error.) Finally, the procedure's regular error trap is re-enabled to handle any additional errors.
In some cases, you know an error may occur but you don't intend to handle it at all; instead, you plan to ignore it. For example, if your application tries to delete its custom command bar when it terminates, you will want to ignore errors that occur if the user has already deleted the command bar:
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
' Remove the custom command bar created when
' this application started. Ignore any error
' generated if it has already been deleted.
On Error Resume Next
End Sub
For more examples of basic error-handling techniques, see in the ODETools\V9\Samples\OPG\Samples\CH08 subfolder on the Office 2000 Developer CD-ROM.