Microsoft Office 2000/Visual Basic Programmer's Guide   

Typographic Conventions

This guide provides comprehensive examples for many of the topics discussed. The following typographic conventions are used in this guide.

Example of convention Description
Sub, If, ChDir, Print, Time$, RecordsAffected, Recordset, srcElement Words in bold, generally with the initial letter capitalized, indicate language-specific keywords with special meaning to VBA or VBScript. Objects, methods, statements, functions, and properties appear in bold, generally with the initial letter capitalized. Concatenated names may contain other capital letters.
expr, path In syntax, italics indicate placeholders for information you supply. In text, italic letters are used for defined terms, usually the first time they occur in the guide. Italics are also used occasionally for emphasis.
ReadOnly, FileName In text and syntax, the use of bold and italic together indicates named arguments.
[expressionlist] In syntax, items in square brackets are optional.
{While | Until} In syntax, braces and a vertical bar indicate a choice between two or more items. You must choose one of the items unless all of the items are enclosed in square brackets.
Dim rstCust As ADODB.Recordset

A monospace font indicates code.
Set olNewItem = _
The line-continuation character ( _ ) is used to break long lines of code.
Sub StockSale()
End Sub
A column of three periods indicates that part of an example has been intentionally omitted.