Microsoft Office 2000/Visual Basic Programmer's Guide   

Converting an Access Database with the Upsizing Wizard

You can use the Upsizing Wizard to convert an existing Access database (.mdb) to a client/server solution. The Upsizing Wizard creates a new SQL Server database structure by re-creating the structure of your Access tables (including indexes, validation rules, defaults, and relationships), and then copying your data into the new SQL Server database. Additionally, the Upsizing Wizard will attempt to re-create your queries as SQL Server views and stored procedures.

You can choose to upsize only your database structure and data, or, after creating the SQL Server back-end database, you can choose to create an Access front-end client application. The Upsizing Wizard can create the front-end client application in either of two ways:

It's important to note that running the Upsizing Wizard isn't necessarily a perfect process. There are differences and potential incompatibilities between Access and SQL Server databases, such as differences in SQL dialects and data types. Although the wizard can handle many of these differences and still convert objects correctly, it can't handle all differences, and so may encounter problems while creating your new database and client application. If the Upsizing Wizard encounters a problem during the upsizing process, it won't halt the process. It records the error and continues working with the next object. After the upsizing process is complete, the wizard will display a report that shows details of the process, such as the name and size of the new database, the selections you made while running the wizard, and any errors it encountered.

For details about how to run the Upsizing Wizard, search the Microsoft Access Help index for "Upsizing Wizard." For information about differences between Access and SQL Server SQL syntax and how the Upsizing Wizard handles these differences, see the "Comparison of Microsoft Access and SQL Server syntax" topic in Microsoft Access Help.

Database Design Considerations Before Upsizing

Before upsizing a solution to SQL Server, there are several important design issues you should take into consideration. The following tips describe the most common issues and strategies.

Converting Your Solution's Code to ADO

The Upsizing Wizard doesn't convert your Access solution's code. Code that works directly with Access objects should continue to work, but you will need to convert any DAO code that works with tables and queries to ADO code. For an overview of using ADO, see Chapter 14, "Working with the Data Access Components of an Office Solution." For additional references on using ADO, see the following section, "Programming in Access Client/Server Solutions."