Microsoft Office 2000/Visual Basic Programmer's Guide   

Deploying Outlook and FrontPage Solutions

Outlook and FrontPage differ from the other Office applications in the way that they store VBA code. Whereas each Excel, Word, Access, or PowerPoint file that you create contains its own VBA project, which is saved with that file, Outlook and FrontPage each provide only a single VBA project where all VBA code is stored. This VBA project is saved as a separate file. For Outlook, this file is named VbaProject.OTM; for FrontPage, it is named Microsoft FrontPage.fpm.

To deploy an Outlook or FrontPage solution, you can develop the solution locally and then distribute the VbaProject.OTM or Microsoft FrontPage.fpm file to users to replace their own file. However, each time you or another developer distributes a solution in this manner, you'll be replacing the user's existing VBAProject.OTM or FrontPage.fpm file, which may very well break existing solutions. A better strategy for building an Outlook or FrontPage solution is to create a COM add-in. The COM add-in runs independently of the VBA project and of other COM add-ins, so your solution won't affect the user's other solutions.