Microsoft Office 2000/Visual Basic Programmer's Guide | ![]() |
Among the most frequently used commands in the Word user interface are the Find and Replace commands on the Edit menu. These commands let you specify the criteria for what you want to locate. They are both really the same thing, with the Replace command's functionality being just an extension of the Find command's functionality. In fact, you may have noticed that Find, Replace, and Go To appear on different tabs of the same dialog box — the Find and Replace dialog box.
Much of the VBA code you write in Word involves finding or replacing something in a document. There are several techniques you can use to locate text or other elements in a document; for example, using the GoTo method or the Select method. Typically, you use the Find object to loop through a document looking for some specific text, formatting, or style. To specify what you want to use to replace the item you found, you use the Replacement object, which you can access by using the Replacement property of the Find object.
The Find object is available from both the Selection object and the Range object; however, it behaves differently depending on whether it is used from the Selection object or the Range object. Searching for text by using the Find object is one of those situations where the Selection and Range objects can be used together to accomplish more than either object can its own. For examples that use the Range and Selection objects together to find text or other items, see the procedures in the modFindAndReplace module in WordSamples.doc in the ODETools\V9\Samples\OPG\Samples\CH05 subfolder on the Office 2000 Developer CD-ROM.
The following list describes differences between the behavior of the Range object and the Selection object when you are searching for an item in a document:
With Selection.Find
strFindText = InputBox("Enter the text you want to find.", _
"Find Text")
If Len(strFindText) = 0 Then Exit Sub
.Text = strFindText
If .Execute = True Then
MsgBox "'" & Selection.Text & "'" _
& " was found and is now highlighted."
MsgBox "The text could not be located."
End If
End With
Dim rngText As Word.Range
Dim strToFind As String
Set rngText = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(3).Range
With rngText.Find
strToFind = InputBox("Enter the text you want to find.", _
"Find Text")
If Len(strFindText) = 0 Then Exit Sub
.Text = strFindText
If .Execute = True Then
MsgBox "'" & strToFind & "'" & " was found. " _
& "As a result, the Range object has been " _
& "redefined and now covers the text: " _
& rngText.Text
MsgBox "The text could not be located."
End If
End With
Regardless of whether you are using the Find object with the Range object or the Selection object, you need to account for the changes that occur to the object when the search is successful. Because the object itself may point to different text each time the search is successful, you may need to account for this and you may also need to keep track of your original object so that you can return to it once the search has been completed.
The following sections provide additional details regarding searching for and replacing items in a Word document.
You specify the criteria for a search by setting properties of the Find object. There are two ways to set these properties. You can set individual properties of the Find object and then use the Execute method without arguments. You can also set the properties of the Find object by using the arguments of the Execute method. The following two examples execute identical searches:
' Example 1: Using properties to specify search criteria.
With Selection.Find
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindContinue
.Text = strToFind
End With
' Example 2: Using Execute method arguments to specify search criteria.
With Selection.Find
.Execute FindText:=strToFind, _
Forward:=True, Wrap:=wdFindContinue
End With
The Find object's search criteria are cumulative, which means that unless you clear out the criteria from a previous search, new criteria are added to the criteria used in the previous search. You should get in the habit of always using the ClearFormatting method to remove formatting from the criteria from a previous search before specifying the criteria for a new search. The Find object and the Replacement object each has its own ClearFormatting method. When you are performing a find and replace operation, you need to use the ClearFormatting method of both objects, as illustrated in the following example:
With Selection.Find
.Text = strToFind
With .Replacement
.Text = strReplaceWith
End With
.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
End With
When you use the Execute method as shown in the preceding examples, the search stops at the first item that matches the specified criteria. To locate all items that match the specified criteria, use the Execute method inside a loop, as shown in the following example:
Public Sub SearchAndReturnExample()
' This procedure shows how to use the Execute method inside
' a loop to locate multiple instances of specified text.
Dim rngOriginalSelection As Word.Range
Dim colFoundItems As New Collection
Dim rngCurrent As Word.Range
Dim strSearchFor As String
Dim intFindCounter As Integer
If (Selection.Words.Count > 1) = True Or _
(Selection.Type = wdSelectionIP) = True Then
MsgBox "Please select a single word or part or a word. " _
& "This procedure will search the active document for " _
& "additional instances of the selected text."
Exit Sub
End If
Set rngOriginalSelection = Selection.Range
strSearchFor = Selection.Text
' Call custom procedure that moves the insertion point to the
' start of the document.
Call GoToStartOfDoc
With Selection.Find
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindContinue
.Text = strSearchFor
Do While .Found = True
intFindCounter = intFindCounter + 1
colFoundItems.Add Selection.Range, CStr(intFindCounter)
End With
If MsgBox("There are " & intFindCounter & " instances of '" _
& rngOriginalSelection & "' in this document." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
& "Would you like to loop through and display all instances?", _
vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
intFindCounter = 1
For Each rngCurrent In colFoundItems
MsgBox "This is instance #" & intFindCounter
intFindCounter = intFindCounter + 1
Next rngCurrent
End If
End Sub
The preceding example also illustrates how to use a Collection object to store the matching items as Range objects. In this example, the user is given the option of viewing all matching items, but you could use the same technique to work with the found items as a group. The SearchAndReturnExample procedure is available in the modFindAndReplace module in WordSamples.doc in the ODETools\V9\Samples\OPG\Samples\CH05 subfolder on the Office 2000 Developer CD-ROM.
To replace one item with another, you must specify a setting for the Replace sargument of the Execute method. You can specify the replacement item by using either the Text property of the Replacement object or the ReplaceWith argument of the Execute method. To delete an item by using this technique, use a zero-length string (""
) as the replacement item. The following example replaces all instances of the text specified by the strFind argument with the text specified in the strReplace argument:
Sub ReplaceText(strFind As String, _
strReplace As String)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With Selection.Find
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdWrapContinue
.Execute FindText:=strFind, _
Replace:=wdReplaceAll, ReplaceWith:=strReplace
End With
End Sub
The ReplaceText procedure is available in the modFindAndReplace module in WordSamples.doc in the ODETools\V9\Samples\OPG\Samples\CH05 subfolder on the Office 2000 Developer CD-ROM.
In most cases, when you finish a search operation, you should return the selection (or the insertion point if there was no previous selection) to where it was when the search began. You do this by saving the state of the Selection object before you begin a search, and then restoring it when the search is completed, as shown in the following example:
Sub SimpleRestoreSelectionExample()
Dim rngStartMarker As Word.Range
Dim strToFind As String
Set rngStartMarker = Selection.Range
strToFind = InputBox("Enter the text to find.", "Find Text")
With Selection.Find
.Text = strToFind
If .Execute = True Then
MsgBox "'" & strToFind & "'" & " was found and is " _
& "currently highlighted. Click OK to restore your " _
& "original selection."
MsgBox "'" & strToFind & "'" & " was not found."
End If
End With
End Sub
The SimpleRestoreSelectionExample procedure is available in the modFindAndReplace module in WordSamples.doc file in the ODETools\V9\Samples\OPG\Samples\CH05 subfolder on the Office 2000 Developer CD-ROM.