Microsoft Office 2000/Visual Basic Programmer's Guide   

The Office Server Extensions Object Model

You work with the objects in the Office Server Extensions object model by first setting a reference to the Microsoft Office Server Extensions 1.0 object library (Owsdsc.dll). The object model is very simple and straightforward and the methods and properties of the objects map directly to the objects and settings available from the Discussions toolbar.

For a graphical representation of the Office Server Extensions object model, see the Object Model Guide. For complete documentation of the Office Server Extensions object model, see the Owsvba.chm Help file, which is located in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\1033 subfolder.

Note   The path to the Owsvba.chm Help file reflects the language ID folder (1033) for U.S. English language support in Office. The language ID folder below C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office differs for each language.