Microsoft Office 2000/Visual Basic Programmer's Guide |
Personalized menus are a new feature in Office 2000 that let you see a collapsed subset of menu items that you use most often. You specify whether personalized menus are enabled by pointing to Toolbars on the View menu, clicking Customize, clicking the Options tab, and then selecting the Menus show recently used commands first check box. Personalized menus are turned on by default.
Note The personalized menus feature doesn't apply to shortcut menus.
You can turn on personalized menus for all command bars in an application or for individual command bars only. You can use the CommandBars collection's AdaptiveMenus property to specify whether personalized menus are on or off for all command bars. You use a CommandBar object's AdaptiveMenu property to specify whether that object's menus are displayed as personalized menus.
You use a CommandBarControl object's Priority property to specify whether a control on a menu will be visible when personalized menus are on. When you add a custom CommandBarControl object to a command bar, it will be visible by default. If you set a control's Priority property to 1, the control will always be visible. If you set the Priority property to 0, the control will initially be visible but may be hidden by the host application if it is not used regularly. When a control is hidden, it is still available on the menu, but you must expand the menu to see it.
The CommandBarControl object's IsPriorityDropped property specifies whether a control is currently displayed. When this property is set to True, the control is hidden. Selecting a control that has its IsPriorityDropped property set to True changes the property setting to False, which makes the control visible the next time its menu is displayed.
The host application may change the IsPriorityDropped property setting if the control is not used again within a certain time period. For more information about how long a control remains visible, search the Microsoft Office Visual Basic Reference Help index for "IsPriorityDropped property."
The following procedure turns personalized menus on or off for all command bars or a single command bar according to the value of the blnState argument:
Function SetPersonalizedMenuState(blnState As Boolean, _
Optional cbrBar As CommandBar = Nothing)
' This procedure sets the AdaptiveMenus property to the value of the
' blnState argument. If a CommandBar object is supplied in the cbrBar
' argument, the AdaptiveMenu property for that command bar is set to
' the value of the blnState argument.
On Error Resume Next
If cbrBar Is Nothing Then
Application.CommandBars.AdaptiveMenus = blnState
cbrBar.AdaptiveMenu = blnState
End If
End Function
The following procedure changes the setting of the Priority property for a menu item:
Function PromoteMenuItem(cbrBar As CommandBar, _
strItemCaption As String)
' This procedure changes the Priority property setting for the
' cbrBar command bar control whose Caption property setting
' matches the value of the strItemCaption argument.
Dim ctlMenuItem As CommandBarControl
On Error Resume Next
If cbrBar.AdaptiveMenu = False Then Exit Function
Set ctlMenuItem = cbrBar.Controls(strItemCaption)
With ctlMenuItem
If .Priority <> 1 Then
.Priority = 1
End If
End With
End Function
The SetPersonalizeMenuState and PromptMenuItem procedures are available in the modCommandBarCode module in CommandBarSamples.mdb in the ODETools\V9\Samples\OPG\Samples\CH06 subfolder on the Office 2000 Developer CD-ROM.