About changing default properties for a text box or other control in a form or report

About changing default properties for a text box or other control in a form or report

Each type of control has a default set of properties that determines the general appearance and behavior of that type of control. For example, the default properties for a text box determine the size and font of the text box and whether the text box has an attached label. This set of properties for a control is called the "default control style." You may want to change the default control style for a type of control if you find that you often make the same changes to that type of control after you add it to a form or report.

For example, suppose you don't want to create labels for text boxes that you add to a new form. Rather than deleting the label each time you create a text box, you can change the AutoLabel property setting to No in the text box's default control style.

Once you reset a control's default control style, all subsequent controls of that type that you add to the current form or report will have those property settings. The default control style remains in effect for that form or report until you change it again.

Return to Change default properties for a text box or other control in a form or report.

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