Examples of referring to values on forms and reports

The following table lists examples of expressions you can use in calculated controls on forms.

If you use this expression Microsoft Access displays
=Forms![Orders]![OrderID] The value of the OrderID control on the Orders form.
=Forms![Orders]![Orders Subform]![OrderSubtotal] The value of the OrderSubtotal control on the Orders Subform on the Orders form.
=Forms![Orders]![Orders Subform]![ProductID].Column(2) The value of the third column in ProductID, a multiple-column list box on the Orders Subform on the Orders form. (0 refers to the first column, 1 refers to the second, and so on.)
=Forms![Orders]![Orders Subform]![Price]*1.06 The product of the value of the Price control on the Orders Subform on the Orders form and 1.06 (adds 6 percent to the value of the Price control).
=Parent![OrderID] The value of the OrderID control on the main or parent form of the current subform.

The following table lists examples of expressions you can use in calculated controls on reports.

If you use this expression Microsoft Access displays
=Reports![Invoice]![OrderID] The value of the OrderID control on the Invoice report.
=Reports![Summary]![Summary Subreport]![SalesTotal] The value of the SalesTotal control on the Summary Subreport on the Summary report.
=Parent![OrderID] The value of the OrderID control on the main or parent report of the current subreport.
