Examples of returning one of two values on forms, reports, and data access pages

Examples of returning one of two values on forms, reports, and data access pages

The following table lists examples of expressions that you can use in calculated controls on forms, reports, and data access pages.

Expression Description
=IIf([Confirmed] = "Yes", "Order Confirmed", "Order Not Confirmed") Uses the IIf function to display the message "Order Confirmed" if the value of the Confirmed field is Yes; otherwise, it displays the message "Order Not Confirmed."
=IIf(IsNull([Country]), " ", [Country]) Uses the IIf function to display an empty string if the value of the Country field is Null; otherwise, it displays the value of the Country control.
=IIf(IsNull([Region]), [City] & " " & [PostalCode], [City] & " " & [Region] & " " & [PostalCode]) Uses the IIf function to display the values of the City and PostalCode fields if Region is Null; otherwise, it displays the values of the City, Region, and PostalCode fields.
=IIf(IsNull([RequiredDate] - [ShippedDate]), "Check for a missing date", [RequiredDate] - [ShippedDate]) Uses the IIf function to display the message "Check for a missing date" if the result of subtracting ShippedDate from RequiredDate is Null; otherwise, it displays the difference between the values of the RequiredDate and ShippedDate fields.
