Examples of performing arithmetic operations in forms, reports, and data access pages

Examples of performing arithmetic operations in forms, reports, and data access pages

The following table lists examples of expressions that you can use in calculated controls on forms, reports, and data access pages.

If you use this expression Microsoft Access displays
=[Subtotal]+[Freight] The sum of the values of the Subtotal and Freight fields.
=[RequiredDate]-[ShippedDate] The difference between the values of the RequiredDate and ShippedDate fields.
=[Price]*1.06 The product of the value of the Price field and 1.06 (adds 6 percent to the Price value).
=[Quantity]*[Price] The product of the values of the Quantity and Price fields.
=[EmployeeTotal]/[CountryTotal] The quotient of the values of the EmployeeTotal and CountryTotal fields.
