Examples of expressions that calculate or manipulate dates, and then use the result as criteria

Field Expression Description
RequiredDate Between Date( ) And DateAdd("m", 3, Date( )) Uses the Between...And operator and the DateAdd and Date functions to display orders required between today's date and three months from today's date.
OrderDate < Date( )- 30 Uses the Date function to display orders more than 30 days old.
OrderDate Year([OrderDate])=1996 Uses the Year function to display orders with order dates in 1996.
OrderDate DatePart("q", [OrderDate])=4 Uses the DatePart function to display orders for the fourth calendar quarter.
OrderDate DateSerial(Year
Month([OrderDate])+1, 1)-1
Uses the DateSerial, Year, and Month functions to display orders for the last day of each month.
OrderDate Year([OrderDate])=
Year(Now()) And Month([OrderDate])=
Uses the Year and Month functions and the And operator to display orders for the current year and month.