Hidden Properties

See Also

Properties that have been hidden in the Microsoft Access 2000 Visual Basic object model because their functionality has been replaced by new language elements are listed in the following table. These properties are supported only for backward compatibility; for new code; you should use the replacement functionality provided in Microsoft Access 2000. To view hidden objects in the Object Browser, right-click in the Object Browser window and click Show Hidden Members on the shortcut menu.

Object Hidden Property Replacement
Form AllowEditing, DefaultEditing AllowAdditions, AllowDeletions, AllowEdits, DataEntry
Form AllowUpdating RecordsetType
BoundObjectFrame, CheckBox, ComboBox, Image, Label, Line, ListBox, ObjectFrame, OptionButton, OptionGroup, Rectangle, SubForm, TextBox BorderLineStyle BorderStyle
Form Dynaset RecordsetClone
Form, Report MaxButton, MinButton MinMaxButtons (Form only)
Form ShowGrid DatasheetGridlinesBehavior

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