Paste Special options on forms and reports

Paste Special options on forms and reports

When you copy a selection from another application, and click Paste Special on the Edit menu, Microsoft Access displays the Paste Special dialog box. The following table describes the entries in the As list in the Paste Special dialog box.

Click this entry
in the As box

If you want to
Application name (for example, Microsoft Excel Worksheet) Display the object in an unbound object frame. You can edit the object directly from the form or report if you click this entry.
Picture or Bitmap Display the object in an image control. Click one of these entries if you want to optimize the performance of your form or report. You can't edit the object from the form or report if you click one of these entries.

Text Display the text that you copy (for example, the text in a Microsoft Excel cell) in a label if the object is inserted, or a text box if the object is linked. When you link a text box this way, Microsoft Access creates a DDE link in the text box. When you switch to Form view or Print Preview, you'll see the actual linked text.