Properties you can use to create or modify a list box or a drop-down list box in a data access page

Properties you can use to create or modify a list box or a drop-down list box in a data access page

When you use a wizard to create a list box or a drop-down list box in a data access page, Microsoft Access sets certain properties for the control. You can work with these properties directly if you don't want to use a wizard to create the control, or you can use a wizard to create the control and then modify these properties to make the control work just the way you want. To find out more about any of the following properties, click the property in the property sheet and press F1.

Property Description
ListRowSource The name of a record set in the data source that supplies the values and text for the list box or drop-down list box.
ListBoundField In a bound list box or drop-down list box, specifies which field is bound to the underlying data source specified in the ListRowSource property. Data in that column will be stored in the field when you select that item in the list.
ListDisplayField In a bound list box or drop-down list box, specifies the name of a field in the ListRowSource that provides the display values that correspond to the ListBoundField values.