Why should I use cascading updates or cascading deletes?

Why should I use cascading updates or cascading deletes?

For relationships in which referential integrity is enforced, you can specify whether you want Microsoft Access to automatically cascade update and cascade delete related records. If you set these options, delete and update operations that would normally be prevented by referential integrity rules are allowed. When you delete records or change primary key values in a primary table, Microsoft Access makes necessary changes to related tables to preserve referential integrity.

If you select the Cascade Update Related Fields check box when defining a relationship, any time you change the primary key of a record in the primary table, Microsoft Access automatically updates the primary key to the new value in all related records. For example, if you change a customer's ID in the Customers table, the CustomerID field in the Orders table is automatically updated for every one of that customer's orders so that the relationship isn't broken. Microsoft Access cascades updates without displaying any message.

Note   If the primary key in the primary table is an AutoNumber field, setting the Cascade Update Related Fields check box will have no effect, because you can't change the value in an AutoNumber field.

If you select the Cascade Delete Related Records check box when defining a relationship, any time you delete records in the primary table, Microsoft Access automatically deletes related records in the related table. For example, If you delete a customer record from the Customers table, all the customer's orders are automatically deleted from the Orders table (this includes records in the Order Details table related to the Orders records). When you delete records from a form or datasheet with the Cascade Delete Related Records check box selected, Microsoft Access warns you that related records may also be deleted. However, when you delete records using a delete query, Microsoft Access automatically deletes the records in related tables without displaying a warning.

For information on how to edit an existing relationship and set referential integrity, click .

For information on how to define a new relationship, click .