What is a command button?

What is a command button?

You use a command button on a form or data access page to start an action or a set of actions. For example, you can create a command button that opens another form. To make a command button do something on a form, you write a macro or event procedure and attach it to the button's OnClick property. On a data access page, you can attach code written in either JScript or Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) to a command button by using the Microsoft Script Editor. How to create an event procedure for a command button on a data access page.

Note   You can create over 30 different types of command buttons with the Command Button Wizard. When you use the Command Button Wizard, Microsoft Access creates the button and the event procedure for you. Wizards aren't available in a stand-alone data access page, or when you point a data access page to a database other than the one that is currently open. The Command Button Wizard is also not available if the page isn't bound to a table or query.

Command button for running an event procedure

You can display text on a command button in a form by setting the Caption property, and display a picture on a command button by setting the Picture property. In a data access page, you can display text on a command button by using the Value property.