AfterDelConfirm Event Procedure Constants
You can use the following constants with event procedures for the AfterDelConfirm event:
BeforeDelConfirm Event Procedure Constants
You can use the following constants with event procedures for the BeforeDelConfirm event:
Button Mask Constants
You can use the following button mask constants with event procedures for the MouseDown, MouseUp, and MouseMove events:
Key Mask Constants
You can use the following key mask constants with event procedures for the KeyDown, KeyUp, MouseDown, MouseUp, and MouseMove events:
NotInList Event Procedure Constants
You can use the following constants with event procedures for the NotInList event:
Error Event Procedure Constants
You can use the following constants with event procedures for the Error event:
Updated Event Procedure Constants
You can use the following constants with event procedures for the Updated event:
ApplyFilter Event Procedure Constants
You can use the following constants with event procedures for the ApplyFilter event:
Filter Event Procedure Constants
You can use the following constants with event procedures for the Filter event: