Delete, BeforeDelConfirm, AfterDelConfirm Events - Macros

Delete, BeforeDelConfirm, AfterDelConfirm Events — Macros

See Also        

To run a macro when a Delete, BeforeDelConfirm, or AfterDelConfirm event occurs, set the OnDelete, BeforeDelConfirm, or AfterDelConfirm property to the name of the macro.


You can use a Delete macro to display the Delete Confirm dialog box asking whether the user wants to delete a record before it's deleted.

You can use a BeforeDelConfirm or AfterDelConfirm macro to respond whenever the user deletes a record. However, the BeforeDelConfirm and AfterDelConfirm macros can't set the argument determining whether the Delete Confirm dialog box is displayed and can't return the argument indicating the status of the deletion, so you typically use event procedures with these events.

You can use the CancelEvent action in a Delete macro to cancel the deletion.

You can use the CancelEvent action in a BeforeDelConfirm macro to cancel the deletion of all the deleted records. If you do this, the Delete Confirm dialog box isn't displayed. However, the AfterDelConfirm event occurs even if you cancel the BeforeDelConfirm event.

You can't use the CancelEvent action in an AfterDelConfirm macro.

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