The following example copies a command bar and its controls to a new command bar. You enter the name of the command bar you want to copy and the name for the new command bar in the EnterNewName procedure. This procedure calls the general function CopyCommandBar, which uses the names you entered to create the new command bar.
Sub EnterNewName()
CopyCommandBar "Menu Bar", "New Menu Bar"
End Sub
Function CopyCommandBar(strOrigCBName As String, _
strNewCBName As String) As Boolean
' This procedure copies command bar named in
' strOrigCBName variable to new command bar
' named in strNewCBName variable.
Dim cbrOriginal As CommandBar, intOrigCount As Integer
Dim cbrCopy As CommandBar, cbrCtl As CommandBarControl
On Error GoTo CBCopy_Err
Set cbrOriginal = CommandBars(strOrigCBName)
intOrigCount = cbrOriginal.Controls.Count
Set cbrCopy = CommandBars.Add(strNewCBName)
' Make sure new command bar is visible.
cbrCopy.Visible = True
For Each cbrCtl In cbrOriginal.Controls
cbrCtl.Copy cbrCopy
Next cbrCtl
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description
Exit Function
End Function