<!--The following token places the object name in the title bar of the Web browser.-->
<!--The following HTML tag creates a different background color than the Web browser default.-->
<BODY BACKGROUND = "gray.jpg">
<!--The following token places all object output inside the <BODY> tag.-->
<!--The following four tokens create four navigation text buttons that jump to the first, previous, next, and last pages of a report.-->
<A HREF = "<!--AccessTemplate_FirstPage-->">First</A>
<A HREF = "<!--AccessTemplate_PreviousPage-->">Previous</A>
<A HREF = "<!--AccessTemplate_NextPage-->">Next</A>
<A HREF = "<!--AccessTemplate_LastPage-->">Last</A>
<!--The following token inserts the text "Page n" , where n is the current report page number.-->
<P ALIGN = CENTER>Page <!--AccessTemplate_PageNumber-->.</P>
<!--The following HTML tag adds a company logo to the bottom of the Web page.-->
<IMG SRC = "company_logo.jpg">