Add an action to a macro

Add an action to a macro

  1. In the Macro window, click the first empty row in the Action column. If you want to insert an action between two action rows, click the selector for the action row just below the row where you want to insert the new action, and then click Insert Row on the toolbar.

  2. In the Action column, click the arrow to display the action list.

  3. Click the action you want to use.

  4. Type a comment for the action. Comments are optional.

  5. In the lower part of the window, specify arguments for the action, if any are required. For tips on setting action arguments, click .

Tip   For action arguments whose settings are a database object name, you can set the argument by dragging the object from the Database window to the action's Object Name argument box. For example, you can set the SelectObject action's Object Name argument to the name of a form by dragging the form to the argument box. To do this, click Tile Vertically on the Windows menu to position the Macro window and Database window so that they're side by side on your screen; in the Database window under Objects, click the object type you want, click the object, and then drag it to the argument box. Dragging the object also sets the Object Type argument.