Add a tab control to a form to create a multiple-page form

Add a tab control to a form to create a multiple-page form

  1. Open a form in Design view.

  2. In the toolbox, click the Tab Control tool and then click the form where you want to place the control.

    Microsoft Access adds a tab control with two pages. The first page is on top.

  3. To add controls to the tab control, click the tab of the page you want to add controls to. Then add controls using any of the following methods:
  4. Use the following list for other tasks you might want to perform:
  5. Size the tab control as appropriate. Click each tab to make sure all the controls fit well within each tab.

    Note   Microsoft Access won't crop controls when you size the tab control. You may need to move controls to make the tab control smaller.

  6. Switch to Form view to test the control.
