Create a table on my own

You can use the steps in this topic to guide you through creating a table from start to finish. You’ll use many of these steps in creating every table. The others you’ll use when you design a table to contain a particular type of data or define how a field appears. You need to use only the steps that are relevant to the type of data or field definitions specific to the table that you’re creating. For other tasks related to creating tables, ask the Answer Wizard.

See examples of what tables are and how they work

1 Create a table

Create a table from scratch using Design view

See examples of the kinds of tools you have to work with when designing a table

2 Add fields to the table that contain data

Create a field for text or memos

Create a field for numbers or currency

Create a field for dates or times

Create a field that looks up or lists values in tables

3 Define how a field appears or handles data

Define the number of decimal places to display in a field

Create an input mask to control how data is entered in a field

See examples of input masks

Define a default value that is automatically entered in a field

See examples of default values in fields

Define validation rules to control what values can be entered into a field

See examples of field validation rules

4 Create a primary key to uniquely identify records

Set or change the primary key

5 Create an index to find and sort records faster

Create a single-field index

Create a multiple-field index

6 Define relationships to bring data together from two or more tables

Define relationships between tables

Define the default join type for a relationship between two tables

7 Make final adjustments

Change a field name in Design view

Move a field in table Design view

Delete a field from a table in Design view